Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 9 July 9th

We left Vegas around 6:30 this morning to try and beat the heat. It was already 86 degrees. We drove to Hoover Dam and walked over it .We also got to see the new bridge they are building.Now we are on our way to California. We drove through the desert and a little bit of Death Valley. It was hotter than BLUE BLAZES 114 degrees ,You may wonder how do you cool off? Well you pull into a little store along the way(there are not too many) and they happen to have an outside shower. We were never so happy to get to our motel.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like the outdoor shower couldn't have come at a better time!!! Did you get to ride across the Hover Dam? The pics are great. Love you guys, Andrea
