Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 6 July6th

Today was a beautiful day,the temperature was a lot warmer than yesterday it reached 95 degrees.We left Colorado drove through Arizona on our way to Utah. We seen a coyote in Arizona and horses along the road because it is open range area. We drove through the Valley of the Gods in Utah ,this is a 17 mile gravel road with dry beds and sharp bends.Then we drove up to the top of the mesa,this road is gravel and has 10% grades with 5 mph switchbacks and is very narrow,but it is worth the view. We stopped on the way up and ate lunch. The bikes are so dusty and so are we but I wouldn't change a thing about the ride .Next we drove passed Lake Powell and we stopped to enjoy the view. Like Dale says the land is desolate but it sure is beautiful.

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