Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 26 July26th

We have been on the road from sun up to sun down. Bernie and Lulu stayed in Minnesota to visit with family so we drove 932 miles to visit with our family. It has bee a Great journey. God has blessed us with safe travel and an awesome adventure. " HOME SWEET HOME". I hope you all have enjoyed seeing our trip as much as we enjoyed showing it to you. P.S. See you in the morning Andrea.

1 comment:

  1. Kim and Dale!!!

    I know I'm a little behind and you did this trip this past summer, but I just found this blog and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed looking through your posts of your trip! What an amazing experience the two of you had and what wonderful memories you made in the process.

    Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for the two of you. I know that you two had to of had such a great time during this trip. Thank you very much for sharing with all of us. It was such a treat! I felt like we were on the trip with you...only I wish we really were because it looks like it would have been amazing.

    Thank you again for sharing your photos and your trip with us.

