Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 22 July 22th

OH MY GOODNESS! Let me tell you about our adventure. The day started out foggy so we got a late start,we didn't leave town until after 10:00. We headed to the Teton Mountains. We were finally able to see them today the day was beautiful. We mostly drove through them on our way to Yellowstone.The Tetons were beautiful.When we arrived in Yellowstone we stopped and seen some waterfalls and the cascades these were both pretty. Next we headed to see Old Faithful,we sat and ate lunch while waiting for it to go off. This was really cool to see. On our way out of the Park ( this takes forever ) we saw Elk,deer,gray wolfs,brown bear,bison,black bear, and a fox.I got pictures of most some were too far away. Now doesn't that sound COOL. This is where the adventure really gets started. We seen the sun set and the moon rise before we got out of Yellowstone. We tried to get a room but everything was booked so we headed to Billings Montana where we got a room. Well that's not bad , but we had to take the Bear Tooth highway (those of you that know this road would say we are INSANE to take this at night). You would be correct. We played chicken with a Bison The roads were curvy and narrow with snow and it was very dark. Just another fun day and a memory you will Never forget.

1 comment:

  1. WOW - you do like to live dangerously. Your pictures are awesome - I am so glad you are having such a great time. Stay safe - hope to see you soon. Love you lots LInda
