Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 12 July 12th

Today we are in San Francisco and it is much colder and over cast. We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge and back. The walk was nice but the bridge was crowded with people and bikes. Later in the day Dale, Bernie, and I walked up the street, when I say up it was straight up.We came to a street that people say is the crookedest street in America.We road on a trolley car down. This is one on the things that I wanted to do. Then we headed to Fisherman's Wharf and walked around.You sure see all kinds of people down here. It never really warmed up today, but it gave us a break from the heat.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures look great! I love the street car pic. Looks like you are having a lot of fun. I'm enjoying following your trip. Love you guys, andrea.
