Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 18 July 18th

Today we headed to Mt Rainier ,we almost didn't go all the way because it was foggy. We were only 23 miles away so we said we came this far we might as well go. We are glad we did the higher we got the clearer it got . The sights were great ,we seen a waterfall that had a rainbow in it. Next we drove up to Paradise Inn, this is where all the climbers meet before they make the climb to the top. We got to talk to some of them and that was interesting. Our next stop of the day was Mount St. Helen's,I couldn't believe it when we first seen it, you could see the destruction for miles away. They build a road through were the eruption went. It was kind of eerie riding the same path that the volcano took. You can still see where the trees won't grow back and where the trees were blown away. It even changed the river. We seen a movie about the blast ,so I will save you the history lesson, but it is very interesting.

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