Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 20 July 20th

Today started out nice 66 degrees, we thought great it is finally getting warm. We headed out on Idaho 21 going to Ponderosa Pine Scenic By way,by the time we got there the temperature dropped to 45 degrees( BURR). The roads and views are great on this road, you can even smell the pine trees.Next we turn onto Sawtooth Scenic Byway you can see the Sawtooth Mountain range as you are driving they are pretty. Our last road was Peaks to the Craters Scenic Byway.We turn on this and drive for a while soon you realize the landscape is changing to rocks ,the further you drive you realize they are lava rocks. We enter Craters of the Moon National Monument. I thought this was so cool, I guess I know what the moon looks like. ( HA HA )

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